Jun 28
Jul 25
CANLAN Learn to Skate is a beginner program that brings new skaters to moderate level in very short time, with practice and hard work - you can...CANLAN Learn to Skate is a beginner program that brings new skaters to moderate level in very short time, with practice and hard work - you can celebrate your goals. - feeling cool Show more
Description for a posted Video, in this case, it's a YouTube Link to sort out the correct number of characters allowed within the TV broadcast...Description for a posted Video, in this case, it's a YouTube Link to sort out the correct number of characters allowed within the TV broadcast parameters. Show more

FREE 'Learn to Skate' at Canlan Ice Sport is sponsored by local businesses that are giving back to local residents to enjoy our nation's pastime...FREE 'Learn to Skate' at Canlan Ice Sport is sponsored by local businesses that are giving back to local residents to enjoy our nation's pastime This was a great GIVE-BACK Event Show more
- CANLAN Ice Sports, GIVE-BACK News Page, Share the joy of the gift of giving with Community
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